Digital Debonding
Would you like a perfectly fitting retainer at the debonding appointment? Would you like to save yourself the time, hassle and expense of another appointment for retainer insertion?
We remember the old way. Labs would receive models from impressions that were taken at the last braces check appointment. If the arch wires were removed, we had a chance of getting a good impression that had not been pulled or distorted by the brackets. If the arch wires were left in place, and wax inserted for the impression, finding gingival margins were almost impossible.
Ill fitting retainers is the reason why many doctors switched to taking impressions at the debonding appointment and adding an appointment to their schedule for retainer insertion. We are not sure how many times we have had to explain that the only thing we can do as a lab is make a retainer that fits the cast provided, sometimes reprocessing or even entirely remaking a retainer—for yet another appointment.
Digital technology allows doctors to return to the old ways, with much better results and retainers guaranteed to fit perfectly.
A digital scan, which can be far more accurate than an alginate impression, can be processed through our software to remove arch wires and brackets. Teeth are smoothed and bands removed. The final product is a printed cast as if you took the impression after the patient was debonded.
Do you need to do tweaks at the final braces check appointment? A hair of rotation here or a slight adjustment there? We can follow along and make the cast as you want it to be to create a retainer that will fit that ideal finish.
Please see more about tooth manipulation on our Crystalign Work Flow page.